Mazel Tov! CCOC’s 95th Flight Saves 13 Children
On Sunday, September 18th Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl (CCOC) saved the lives of 13 beautiful children from the contaminated regions in Ukraine on its 95th Rescue Mission.

CCOC’s 95th Rescue Flight landed saved 13 children from Ukraine’s contaminated regions.
Upon arrival to Israel’s Ben Gurion airport, the children were welcomed and greeted by CCOC’s devoted staff as well as some of the other children who were recently rescued on the 94th Flight. Excited for their new journey, they boarded the bus and took off for their new home.
These children will be able to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana in Israel and begin the new year with hopes for a healthy, happy childhood free from fear of radiation and medical neglect.
CCOC’s 95th Rescue Flight was in honor of Chippy, Andy and Naty Meta and family from Argentina. To date, CCOC has rescued 2,783 children on these 95 rescue missions, bringing them to Israel– the only country in the world that accepts these children on a permanent basis.
CCOC would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy sweet new year filled with blessings for you and for all of your loved ones.
Hopefully, with your help, CCOC will bring many more children to safety this year in Israel– away from their polluted surroundings– with the opportunity to have a fresh start on healthy and better lives!